Krylova, K., The Long Shadow of the Past: Contemporary Austrian Literature, Film, and Culture (Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2017; paperback edition, 2020). Listed in CHOICE's '2018 Outstanding Academic Titles'.
- Burri, Michael, 'Katya Krylova. The Long Shadow of the Past: Contemporary Austrian Literature, Film, and Culture. Rochester: Camden House, 2017. Pp. 214', Austrian History Yearbook 50, 2019, 264-66. Available online:
- Calian, Nicole, 'Katya Krylova, The Long Shadow of the Past: Contemporary Austrian Literature, Film, and Culture', The Independent Scholar 4, 2018. Online.
- Capovilla, Andrea, 'The Long Shadow of the Past: Contemporary Austrian Literature, Film, and Culture. By Katya Krylova. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2017. 206 pp. £65. ISBN 978-1-57113-939-9', Austrian Studies 26, 2018, 275-77. Available online: doi:10.5699/austrianstudies.26.2018.0275
- Davis, Jack, 'The Long Shadow of the Past: Contemporary Austrian Literature, Film, and Culture. By Katya Krylova. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2017. xv + 197 pages + 15 b/w illustrations. $85.00', Monatshefte 111, 2019, 174-175. Available online:
- Kunzelmann, Heide, 'The long shadow of the past: contemporary Austrian literature, film and culture, by Katya Krylova, Rochester, NY, Camden House, 2017' (review), Journal of Contemporary European Studies 27/4, 2019, 546-548. Available online:
- Kuttenberg, Eva, 'The Long Shadow of the Past: Contemporary Austrian Literature, Film, and Culture by Katya Krylova (review)', Journal of Austrian Studies 51/3, 2018, 101-103. Available online:
- Larkin, Edward T., 'Vergangenheit. Perspektiven in der deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur by Horst S. Daemmrich, and: The Long Shadow of the Past: Contemporary Austrian Literature, Film, and Culture by Katya Krylova (review)', German Studies Review 41/3, 2018, 679-82. Available online: doi:10.1353/gsr.2018.0127
- McLary, Laura, 'Katya Krylova. The Long Shadow of the Past: Contemporary Austrian Literature, Film, and Culture. Camden House, 2017', Studies in 20th & 21st Century Literature, 43/2, 2019, Article 34. Available online:
- McMurtry, Áine, 'The Long Shadow of the Past: Contemporary Austrian Literature, Film, and Culture. By Katya Krylova. Rochester, NY: Camden House. xv+197pp. $85; £65. ISBN 978-1-57113-939-9', The Modern Language Review 113/4, 2018, 914-16. Available online:
- Moser, Joseph W., 'Krylova, Katya. The Long Shadow of the Past: Contemporary Austrian Literature, Film, and Culture. Rochester: Camden House, 2017. 197pp. $85.00', Gegenwartsliteratur XVII, 2018, 364-65.
- Vansant, Jacqueline, 'Katya Krylova: The Long Shadow of the Past: Contemporary Austrian Literature, Film, and Culture. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2017. 197 pp. Hardcover $ 90.00. Paperback $ 29.95', Colloquia Germanica 52/3-4, 2021, 408-10. Available online:
- Weiner, Sharon, 'Krylova, Katya. The Long Shadow of the Past: Contemporary Austrian Literature, Film, and Culture. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2017', The German Quarterly 91/1, 2018, 96-99. Available online:
- Whaley, Joachim, 'The Long Shadow of the Past: Contemporary Austrian Literature, Film, and Culture. By Katya Krylova. Rochester NY: Camden House, 2017. Pp. xvi + 198. £65.00 (hbk)', Journal of European Studies, 48/3-4, 2018, 344-45. Available online:
Krylova, K., Walking Through History: Topography and Identity in the Works of Ingeborg Bachmann and Thomas Bernhard (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2013). Winner of the 2011 Peter Lang Young Scholars Competition in German Studies.
- Leahy, Caitriona, ‘Drei Wege zu Bachmann’: The Topography of Recent Criticism’, Austrian Studies 21, 2013, 201-15.
- Zitzlsperger, Ulrike, ‘German Studies: Literature, 1945 to 1990’, The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies 75, 2015 (survey year 2013), 476-86.
Krylova, K. and E. Schonfield, eds, Thomas Bernhard: Language, History, Subjectivity (Leiden: Brill Publishing, 2023).
Matthes, F., Osborne, D., Krylova, K. and Aspioti, M., eds, Politics and Culture in Germany and Austria Today: Edinburgh German Yearbook 14 (Rochester NY: Camden House, 2021).
Schonfield, E. and K. Krylova, eds, Heiko Berner: Photo Illustrations for Thomas Bernhard's 'A Child'/ Fotografische Illustrationen zu Thomas Bernhards 'Ein Kind' (School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Glasgow, 2019, exhibition catalogue).
Krylova, K., ed., New Perspectives on Contemporary Austrian Literature and Culture (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2018. Studies in Modern German and Austrian Literature series).
- Burt, Raymond L., 'Katya Krylova, ed., New Perspectives on Contemporary Austrian Literature and Culture. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2018. 440 pp', Journal of Austrian Studies, 52/4, 2019, 124-7. Available online:
- Schreckenberger, Helga, 'New Perspectives on Contemporary Austrian Literature and Culture. Edited by Katya Krylova. Oxford: Peter Lang, 2018. Pp. 440. Cloth $90.95. ISBN 978-304319843', German Studies Review, 43/1, 2020, 221-3. Available online:
Krylova, K.,'The Nation on Trial: Tengiz Abuladze’s Repentance (1987) and Christian Frosch’s Murer (2018)', Modern Language Review, 119.4 (2024), 456-75.
Krylova, K.,'"Unsere mutigen Feiglinge”: Remembrance of Austrian Wehrmacht Deserters in Hanna Sukare’s Schwedenreiter’, Journal of Austrian Studies, 55/3, 2022, 77-109.
Krylova, K., ‘Melancholy Journeys in the Films of Ruth Beckermann’, Leo Baeck Institute Year Book, 59/1, 2014, 249-66.
Krylova, K., ‘Kranksein an der Zeit: Time and Space in Ingeborg Bachmann’s Malina’, Germanistik in Ireland, 8, 2013, 73-86.
Krylova, K., ‘Hofmannsthal and “die göttliche Briehl”’, Studia austriaca, 21, 2013, 117-30.
Krylova, K., ‘‘Eine den Menschen zerzausende Landschaft’: Psychotopography and the Alpine landscape in Thomas Bernhard’s Frost’, Austrian Studies, 18, special issue on ‘Austria and the Alps’, 2010, 74-88.
Krylova, K., ‘Melancholy, Topography and the Search for Origin in Ingeborg Bachmann’s Drei Wege zum See’, German Life and Letters, 62/2, 2009, 157-73.
Krylova, K., ‘The Function of the Analyst: Bachmann’s Malina Read Through Lacan’, Focus on German Studies, 14, 2007, 37-49.
Krylova, K. and E. Schonfield, 'Introduction', in Krylova, K. and E. Schonfield, eds, Thomas Bernhard: Language, History, Subjectivity (Leiden: Brill Publishing, 2023), pp. 1-11.
Matthes, F., Osborne, D., Krylova, K., ‘Introduction: Politics and Culture in Germany and Austria Today’, in Matthes, F., Osborne, D., Krylova, K. and Aspioti, M., eds, Politics and Culture in Germany and Austria Today: Edinburgh German Yearbook 14 (Rochester NY: Camden House, 2021), pp. 1-14.
Krylova, K., 'The Afterlife of Thomas Bernhard in Contemporary Austrian Literature', in Olaf Berwald, Stephen D. Dowden and Gregor Thuswaldner, eds, Thomas Bernhard's Afterlives (New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020. New Directions in German Studies series), pp. 23-44.
Krylova, K., 'Österreichthematik', in Monika Albrecht and Dirk Göttsche, eds, Bachmann Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung, rev. edn (Stuttgart, Weimar: Metzler, 2020), pp. 289-294.
Krylova, K., 'Ariadne’s Thread: Storytelling, Digression and Flâneurship in the Recent Films of Ruth Beckermann', in Katya Krylova, ed., New Perspectives on Contemporary Austrian Literature and Culture (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2018. Studies in Modern German and Austrian Literature series), pp. 93-117.
Krylova, K., ‘Introduction: Contemporary Austrian Literature and Culture’, in Katya Krylova, ed., New Perspectives on Contemporary Austrian Literature and Culture (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2018. Studies in Modern German and Austrian Literature series), pp. 1-24.
Krylova, K., ‘Ungenach’, in Martin Huber and Manfred Mittermayer, eds, Bernhard Handbuch: Leben – Werk – Wirkung (Stuttgart, Weimar: Metzler, 2018), pp. 102-5.
Krylova, K., ‘Restoring a Home: Restorative and Reflective Nostalgia in Anna Mitgutsch’s House of Childhood’, in Bex Harper and Hollie Price, eds, Domestic Imaginaries: Navigating the Home in Global Literary and Visual Cultures (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017), pp. 149-167.
Krylova, K., ‘Disturbing the Past: The Representation of the Waldheim Affair in Robert Schindel’s Der Kalte’, in Stephanie Bird, Mary Fulbrook, Julia Wagner and Christiane Wienand, eds, Reverberations of Nazi Violence in Germany and Beyond: Disturbing Pasts (London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2016), pp. 107-23.
Krylova, K., ‘Genre and Memory in Margareta Heinrich’s and Eduard Erne’s Totschweigen and Elfriede Jelinek’s Rechnitz (Der Würgeengel)’, in Garin Dowd and Natalia Rulyova, eds, Genre Trajectories: Identifying, Mapping, Projecting (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015), pp. 66-85.
Krylova, K., ‘Universität: Die linke und die rechte Stiege’, in Wilhelm Hemecker and Konrad Heumann, eds, Hofmannsthal: Orte (Vienna: Zsolnay, 2014), pp. 117-37.
[This publication has been extensively reviewed in the German, Austrian and Swiss press: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Der neue Merker, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Deutschlandfunk Büchermarkt (this review specifically mentions Krylova’s contribution).]
Krylova, K.‚ ‘Thomas Bernhards Auslöschung: Der Umgang mit dem Herkunftskomplex’, in Johann Georg Lughofer, ed., Thomas Bernhard: Gesellschaftliche und politische Bedeutung der Literatur (Vienna: Böhlau Verlag, 2012), pp. 189-200.
Krylova, K., ‘‘Ein Wahnsinniger, der die Fakultäten vermischt’: Interdisciplinarity and Ingeborg Bachmann’s Das Buch Franza’, in Jens Elze et al., eds, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Philologie, Friedrich Schlegel Graduiertenschule für literaturwissenschaftliche Studien, Freie Universität Berlin (Germanistik im Netz: 2011), pp. 163-70.
Krylova, K., ‘Ingeborg Bachmann zwischen Provinz und Metropole’, in Wilhelm Hemecker and Manfred Mittermayer, eds, Mythos Bachmann: Zwischen Inszenierung und Selbstinszenierung (Vienna: Zsolnay, 2011), pp. 72-90.
Davies, C., Krylova, K., Weigt, A., ‘Der Intellektuelle zwischen Elfenbeinturm und Öffentlichkeit. Annäherung an eine kontroverse Figur’, in Jürgen Trabant, ed., Projekt Junges Europa 2 (Hannover-Laatzen: Wehrhahn Verlag, 2006), pp. 133-45.
Krylova, K., ‘A city where one must suffer the past: Vienna and Austrian identity in Ingeborg Bachmann’s Malina’ (abridged version of 2010 Sylvia Naish Research Student Lecture), Friends of Germanic Studies newsletter, Institute of Germanic and Romance Studies (IGRS), University of London (November 2010), 16-19. The honour to give this prestigious lecture was awarded in a competition by the then Institute of Germanic and Romance Studies (now Institute of Modern Languages Research), University of London. The lecture was held at the IGRS (London) on 11 February 2010.
Krylova, K., 'Karen R. Achberger and Karl Ivan Solibakke, eds. and trans., The Critical Writings of Ingeborg Bachmann. Camden House, 2021' (review), Journal of Austrian Studies, 55/2, 2022, 198-200.
Krylova, K., 'Deborah Holmes and Áine McMurtry, eds, Austria in Transit: Displacement and the Nation State. Austrian Studies 26, 2018' (review), Journal of Austrian Studies, 53/2, 2020, 109-112.
Krylova, K., 'The Art of Resistance: Cultural Protest against the Austrian Far Right in the Early Twenty-First Century. By Allyson Fiddler. New York, Oxford: Berghahn. 2019' (review), Modern Language Review, 115/3, 2020, 756-9.
Krylova, K., 'Helmut Qualtinger and Karl Merz, Der Herr Karl. Translation by Ron E. Hassner. Riverside, CA: Ariadne, 2016' (review), Journal of Austrian Studies, 52/4, 2019, 131-4.
Krylova, K., 'Austria Made in Hollywood. By Jacqueline Vansant. Rochester, NY: Camden House. 2019' (review), Austrian Studies, 27, 2019, 248-50.
Krylova, K., 'Micaela Latini, Die Korrektur des Lebens: Studien zu Thomas Bernhard. Trans. Reinhard Uhlmann and Annalisa Cafaggi. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2017' (review), Journal of Austrian Studies, 52/1-2, 2019, 151-4.
Krylova, K., ‘Joseph McVeigh, Ingeborg Bachmanns Wien. Frankfurt am Main: Insel, 2016’ (review), Journal of Austrian Studies, 50/1-2, 2017, 182-4.
Krylova, K., ‘Beschimpft Österreich! Der Skandal um die Staatspreisrede Thomas Bernhards im März 1968. By Olaf Lahayne. Göttingen: V & R unipress. 2016’ (review), Modern Language Review, 112/4, 2017, 1042-3.
Krylova, K., ‘Vienna’s Dreams of Europe: Culture and Identity Beyond the Nation-State. By Katherine Arens. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. 2015’ (review), Austrian Studies, 24, 2016, 212-3.
Krylova, K., ‘Christian Däufel, Ingeborg Bachmanns 'Ein Ort für Zufälle': Ein interpretierender Kommentar. Berlin: DeGruyter, 2013’ (review), Journal of Austrian Studies, 48/1, 2015, 148-50.
Krylova, K., ‘Thomas Bernhard. Persiflage und Subversion. Ed. by Mireille Tabah and Manfred Mittermayer. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann. 2013’ (review), Austrian Studies, 22, 2014, 248-50.
Krylova, K., ‘Andrea Stoll, Ingeborg Bachmann: Der dunkle Glanz der Freiheit. Munich: Bertelsmann, 2013’ (review), Journal of Austrian Studies, 47/4, 2014, 140-3.
Krylova, K., ‘Ingeborg Bachmann, Die Radiofamilie. Edited and afterword by Joseph McVeigh. Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2011’ (review), Journal of Austrian Studies, 47/3, 2014, 117-19.
Krylova, K., 'Ingeborg Bachmann, Enigma: Selected Poems. Trans. Mike Lyons and Patrick Drysdale. Riverside: Ariadne Press, 2011' (review). Journal of Austrian Studies, 45/3-4, 2012, 192-4.
Krylova, K., ‘‘Morbus Austriacus’. Thomas Bernhards Österreichkritik. By Gregor Thuswaldner. Vienna: Braumüller. 2011’ (review), Austrian Studies, 20, 2012, 226-7.
Krylova, K.,‘Germans No More: Accounts of Jewish Everyday Life, 1933-1938 (trans. from the German by Alan Nothnagle). Margarete Limberg and Hubert Ruebsaat (Eds). Berghahn Books, 2011.’ (review), Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 20/2, 2012, 245-7.
Krylova, K.,‘German Life Writing in the Twentieth Century. Birgit Dahlke, Dennis Tate and Roger Woods (Eds). Camden House, 2010.’ (review), Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 20/1, 2012, 107-8.
Krylova, K., ‘Julia Franck’s Die Mittagsfrau (The Blind Side of the Heart)’ (review), in Peter Boxall, ed., 1001 Books you must read before you die, rev. edn (New York: Universe, 2010), p. 938.
Krylova, K., ‘Monika Maron’s Pawels Briefe (Pavel’s Letters)’ (review), in Peter Boxall, ed., 1001 Books you must read before you die, rev. edn (London: Cassell Illustrated, 2008), p. 888.
Krylova, K., ‘Ingeborg Bachmann’,<> [published 2/02/2012, content added 20/01/2013].
Krylova, K., ‘Thomas Bernhard’, <> [published 14/02/2012, content added 20/01/2013].
I write blog posts for my own blog, Contemporary Austrian Literature, Film and Culture (, the George Washington Wilson Centre for Visual Culture blog (, and the Women in German Studies blog (